
Fishing Line/Lead Collectors

Dispose Your Fishing Line & Lead Here! Keep our waterways tangle-free and lead-free. Monofilament fishing line persists in the environment for 600 years.  Fishing line and hooks can cause injuries or...

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pH Monitoring

Interest in pH monitoring on the Miramichi River and tributaries is based on a concern primarily for fish habitat, Many waterways with lower pH levels (e.g. Nova Scotia’s southeast shore) due to “acid rain” and low buffering capacities have...

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"SeagrassNet is an expanding, worldwide ecological monitoring program that investigates and documents the status of seagrass resources and the threats to this important and imperilled marine ecosystem." 

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Ice Observation

As part of the New Brunswick "River Watch" program, ice observation is a provincial initiative that monitors the potential for flooding along New Brunswick’s river systems in late winter and during the spring freshet.

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Atlantic Salmon Habitat Assessment

Over the past eleven years MREAC, with FCAS support, has completed Atlantic salmon habitat assessments on the Tomogonops, Bay du Vin, Bartibogue, Barnaby, Bartholomew, Black River, and other drainage basins.

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Lake Monitoring

MREAC with the support of the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG) staff have been actively involved in lake monitoring on the Miramichi watershed.

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Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring is an increasingly popular technology that is being used across the world.  This technology allows users to have up-to-date results on various parameters and at specified intervals.

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The Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) protocol, as developed by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), is now a nationally accepted and applied technique for assessing the biological condition...

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Snow Course Monitoring

MREAC established a partnership with the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG) in 2009-10 to begin conducting snow and ice studies in the Miramichi River watershed.

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Napan River & Whites Brook

The Napan River valley is one of the few sub-watersheds on the Miramichi drainage that is highly developed with significant active agricultural lands, industrial and municipal development.

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Swim Watch Program

Through the Swim Watch Program, MREAC monitors water quality at predetermined sites throughout the Miramichi River watershed.  Beginning in 1993, 100 mL surface water samples have been collected during...

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River & Air Watch

River Watch / Air Watch are MREAC's community flagship program.  Each year, citizens and stakeholders from the Miramichi address environmental concerns through this program. MREAC press releases...

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Habitat Conservation Strategy - Miramichi Watershed

This Habitat Conservation Strategy (HCS) was developed through collaboration among the collaborating members of Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV) and other habitat conservation groups.  The Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee (MREAC), the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and the staff of the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) in Sackville New Brunswick are the main contributors to the Miramichi HCS.

State of the Environment Report for the Miramichi Watershed - 2007

This report examines the state of the environment of the Miramichi River
watershed and specifically how it has changed over the past decade or so and how it
may be changing in the near future.

Archived Projects

Click on the link below to view some of MREAC's past projects: